Hey everyone, I just took another amazing course! This one was all about the actual closing process and dealing with all those objections and everything that we deal with. If you are still stuck on getting to this part, I would suggest looking in MLSP for lead generation help.
This training was all about the difference between what Objections and Conditions. This separation is vital to understand during the sale process and being able to identify them will be the difference between spending all my time talking about my product and actually having that time result in a sale.
So here is that difference:
–Objections: These are the things that our prospect brings up that are used as a smoke screen rather than being a real and valid concern. We hear countless objections while we are prospecting people and the vast majorities are just little stumbling blocks that the prospect tosses in their own way. Things like “I don’t have time” and “I don’t know how to sell”. We all know that this is something that can be started and be effective on a part time basis, so that one has no real value. We also know that learning how to sell is part of the process here, so that one is valueless as well. These are both objections and in just a minute, I’ll let you in on a secret of how to get past objections without no work on our part
–Conditions: These are the true and valid reasons that people can’t join us on this journey. Things along the lines of literally not having the money for the buy in on the product. Not the guy with an I phone and tablet that says that they don’t have the money, but the single mother of 3 kids that is scrambling to keep them fed. That is a real condition that prevents the person from joining us. These can come is many forms, but they are going to be the deep items that people bring up, and will not be the first excuse they use. These are usually painful for the people to talk about, and understanding them can sometimes be all it takes to turn that condition from a “no” into a “yes” because we did listen.
So now that we know the difference between the two, here is a wonderful way to figure out if the person across the table from you is spouting Objections and a method on how to get to their real Conditions. The secret is simply Silence. After I have pitched the product and they person I am talking to starts to go into the reasons that they can’t buy in, I just stay silent and listen to them. During this time, if I feel that the objection doesn’t even deserve credit, I stay silent and still. If the objection had merit, a slight nod is all it takes. This has the added bonus of making it so that I am actually listening to the other person rather than just waiting for an opportunity to refute their objections. Eventually the person will run out of their objections and fall silent. At this point the key is to Still Stay Silent!
This may seem rude at the outset, but it does something very valuable in the situation. It makes the person talking feel uncomfortable. People do not deal with silence well and this will prompt them into one of three actions, all of which are beneficial to us. The first is the best and that is that the silence will prompt them into actually telling us their Condition. This gets us to a baseline to work from and actually help the other person, something we are trying to do anyhow. The second response is that they will start to refute their own objections. They will start rationalizing why those objections are not that much of a block for them to join us. They are doing our job at this point and all we had to do was have the fortitude to stay silent. Finally, they could start to resell themselves on the product, listing things about it that they found fascinating and exciting. This just pushes their excitement for the product forward and helps out my end of things when I ask them to buy or join in. All three are wonderful reactions and so very easy to illicit. All we have to do is respectfully and engagingly stay silent!
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