Building your team by teaching them to fish

Answers are a Pitfall As we grow in our life we are bombarded by the need to find answers, for the ability to answer the questions in our lives. By the age of three we have already learned to ask, “Why?” about everything.  Yet getting answers isn’t always helpful...

Dealing with Defeat

As much as we might want to refute it, defeat and failure are a part of life. There is nobody out in the world that doesn’t experience these things on a rather constant basis. The thing that sets one person apart from another is not if they get back up from getting...

Happiness, What does it Mean?

What is Happiness? We talk a lot about our goals and where we are going so that we can lead a fulfilling life, a happy life. This is the ideal that helps drive our self-growth and our own self-awareness, but what is this concept of happiness. What does happiness mean...